Straight, inc. to handle a wide range of tools for maintenance work, the new mechanic tool box for " Moe " was introduced. September 1 to complete the decor of new product from a female character " pain box " book sales began.
This product is " Moe Moe World War 2 ( snip ) " and office model have adopted the character of the alpha release of system software to games. Shumireshongemu strategy game in the second Uri has been the personification of the girl that the weapon used in world war.
Straight is the fastest growing companies in the industry lead to aggressive pricing competition in the world of development tools. Power tools from vehicle maintenance, including tools such as motorcycles, which stocks all kinds of tools for maintenance work. This is a totally new desaign incorporates the tools that fit in a case likely to be called a big topic in the industry again.
According to the box straight pain,"in a box and tools required for professional mechanics, Moe Moe for a maenstream audience and decorated with cartoon charcter - some serious chest".
"Moe Moe World War 2 (snip)" in Office Model is drawn using big weapon s to the top of the popular girl first. Matt enjoyed the illustration in the internal pain that comes with three additional types. But no serious compromises made by a specialist tool that aims to widely used as a possible case. All material is steel and weight 7.2 kilograms and is heavy. Price including tax ¥ 9800.