Time has caught up with the world's most-beloved boy robot. Tetsuwan Atom, the popular character created in the early 1950s by the late manga artist Osamu Tezuka, "attended" the entrance ceremony of an elementary school in Tokyo's Takadanobaba district on Tuesday.
Tezuka, who died in 1989, cast Atom as having been created "at the science ministry in Takadanobaba on April 7, 2003." This would make the character 7 years old today and ready to start elementary school. A costumed Atom, known as Astro Boy in the United States, joined the ceremony and greeted his 20 "classmates," as proposed by Totsuka Daisan Elementary School in Shinjuku Ward and its PTA. Designated as an honorary student by the ward office, Atom is expected to appear at the school's future events. The original versions of the science-fiction manga and anime series "Tetsuwan Atom" ran in the 1950's and 1960's.

Keyword : Manga, Anime, Technology Feature