Geneon Universal Entertainment began streaming two commercials that combine the America live-action medical television series House and Osamu Tezuka's classic medical manga/anime Black Jack on Wednesday. The titular doctors House (Played by British actor Hugh Laurie) and Black Jack appear together in the commercial, which are the first collaborative afforts between an overseas live-action television series and a Tezuka anime.

The fist 30-second commercial is the one that is actually running on the CS satellite television system's Fox channel in Japan. The second 73-second commercial is the extended web version. The Premise of the commercial has Black Jack flying to America ( with his young companion Pinoko in tow ) as Dr. House's potential new team member.

Geneon Universal Entertainment is the DVD distributor of House in Japan, Where it is known as Dr. House. Wednesday happens to be the DVD release date for the fourth season of House in Japan.

Keyword: ads Streamed, Osamu Tezuka's, Dr. House, Japan, America