The japanese govermenr urged a total ban on smoking in restaurant & hotels. Minstry of Health, Labor and welfare of Japan encourage all local goverment to introduce a total ban on smoking in public places to help prevent health hazard caused by cigarette smoke. After assessing that sparate smoking area is not enough to protect people from secondhand smoke, the ministry will implement a total ban in school, hospital, restaurant and other public places. The ban will also be extended to the movie, market, public and private office, station, hotel, and entertainment facilities. Taxis and buses will also be included in the ban. The Ministry will allow thr operators of facilities such as restaurant and hotels to create a separate smoking area if the ban would cripple their business seriously.
However, these ministries will eventually implement a total ban on these facilities as well. Notification will be issued by the Ministry of Health in accordance with the Law of Health Promotion. The law requires that the facility used by many people to introduce measures to prevent those non-smokers are effected by cigarette smoke. However offenders will not be subject to punish.